Assignment #8

What do you think is the key to success?A:continued effort and determination

1.Stratospheric  平流層(極高的)

Relating to the stratosphere (= the layer of gases surrounding the earth at a height of between 15 and 50 kilometres)

  • The regulation on substances that deplete the ozone layer is primarily aimed at protecting the stratospheric ozone layer, but also at preventing climate change.

2.Motivational   勵志的

Giving you motivation

  • A motivational speaker.

3.Parallelogram   平行四邊形

A flat shape that has four sides. The two sets of opposite sides are parallel and of equal length to each other.

  • Its interior can be tiled by translates of basic parallelograms.

4.Mindset  心態

A person's way of thinking and their opinions

  • It's extraordinary how hard it is to change the mindset of the public and the press.

5.Perseverance 毅力

Continued effort and determination

  • Through hard work and perseverance, he worked his way up to the top.

